One of the best things about the internet is that women can be as free as a bird. This especially so when it comes to sexual fantasies. While there are some classic fantasies that are thought to be popular amongst women, there are quite a few that are pretty much kept under wraps. Until now, that is. Here are some of the top sexual fantasies for women, told by women. If you want to surprise a lucky woman in your life, it might be worth your while to take a look at these top fantastic and get to plan your next romantic night in (or out!):
1.Right place, right time:
This is a very popular one. A lot of women absolutely love the idea of randomly meeting up with someone who is interested in heading to a hotel or similar and enjoying a wild night of unbridled fun. The sheer fact of not knowing anything about each other — not even names — is what makes this so exciting. It’s thought that women are able to be completely free throughout the whole experience with no thought to the other person other than simply making sure they’re both enjoying it.
2. Doing the deed in public:
This one is pretty common, but still certainly amongst the top options for a reason. Whether it’s in full public where anyone can happen to find you, or slightly concealed somewhere that you can still hear the public, but are able to keep to yourselves, it depends on the woman. But it’s certainly exciting to think about.
3.Being in charge:
Betcha saw this one coming, right? Often thought to be the submissive one, sexually speaking, women have regular sexual fantasies that are entirely focused on being in charge in the bedroom. Some like it to be complete in charge situation, others are looking more for the idea of setting the pace or position. The preference does depend on the woman as well as the night and partner.
4. Sleeping outside of the box:
This one is all about location. Women love taking their nighttime affairs to anywhere that is completely different and therefore exciting. Maybe it’s a public space like #2, or maybe it’s just somewhere totally different such as a different room in a home (or someone else’s home). Just the thought of exploring sex in a place that is completely different from the traditional bedroom or house, is exciting fo the modern woman looking to spice things up.
5. FWB:
A surprising one was the idea of sleeping with someone other than their partner just for fun. Think of the classic TV show where two friends are talking; it quickly turns up the heat to become a whole friend with benefits situation. There’s something about the sheer power of chemistry that develops from friendship and then overflows into something more, even if it’s just for one night. This can be achieved through actually designing an FWB situation, or just experimenting with role-playing instead
6. Threesome:
Threesome is another most popular sexual fantasy for women. Imagining a third joins your bedroom game, the exciting is incomparable. That’s not surprising why threesome dating apps are becoming more and more popular.
Gone are the days where it was assumed that only men could have sexual fantasies. These are all about women, and created by women, so you know that all of these are going to be options for your next planned romantic night. Some of these have surprised you, or perhaps some of these are burning interests you’ve had yourself. Whatever the case, enjoy the fun they’ll be sure to bring you!
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