Society has conditioned people to believe that relationships should only involve two partners who stay committed and faithful to each other. This means they cannot have sex with anyone else. A person in a committed relationship who has sex with another person is called a cheater. However, it depends on how you think about relationships in general. Some people believe that having sex with other people is just a way of having fun and being adventurous. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love your long-term partner or care about them. It just means you want to have more fun with your sex life. That is all.
A swinger lifestyle is when someone is promiscuous in their sexual relationships. In other words, they like to have sex with different people rather than the same person repeatedly. A swinger may or may not be in a committed relationship too. If they are in a committed relationship, their long-term partner will usually be a swinger as well. Otherwise, they would resent their partner and likely break up with them.
Reasons to Start a Swinger Lifestyle
If you have never had a swinger lifestyle before, then you should think about starting. Some of the reasons for starting a swinger lifestyle might be obvious. But there are other reasons for starting one which might surprise you. We will go over them now.
- A) Avoid Cheating or Splitting
Swinging couples tend to truly love each other. But they have this powerful desire to have sex with other people. Not because they are in love with these other people, but because they have a sexual appetite which needs to be fulfilled. Sometimes it may be one partner that has this appetite and they need to convince their committed partner to agree to an open relationship. At least this way, both partners are honest with each other about what they want and there is no cheating involved.
A swinger is not a cheater as long as they’re honest with their long-term partner about what kind of lifestyle they want to live. If a swinger were to hide this from their partner, then it would be wrong for them to do that. But, in most cases, swingers don’t try to hide their lifestyle because they really don’t want to cheat or split with their long-term partner. They just want to have more fun and excitement. A lot of committed relationships can actually improve after they become open. This is much better than cheating or splitting.
- B) Boring Sex Life
Couples tend to get bored with their sex lives. Even though you might love your partner, it can get boring to have sex with the same person all the time. For this reason, couples like to develop swinger lifestyles to spice up their sex lives. Some couples will set certain rules for their open relationship. For example, they might require that both of them be in the same room when either one of them has sex with someone else. Perhaps threesomes are what they’ll require for their swinging lifestyle. If not, then there may be a select few people they’re allowed to have sex with outside of their relationship. It all depends on what the set rules are.
- C) Bisexual Partner(s)
If you and/or your partner is bisexual, this means you’ll have sexual appetites for more than just your own gender. For instance, if you are a bisexual man who is married to another man, you may still wish to have sex with women too. In this case, you would need to tell your partner about this desire that you need to be fulfilled. If they agree, then you can swing with women on the side. If your partner is bisexual too, then perhaps you could all have a threesome encounter.
- D) Keeps Families Together
It might sound strange that swinging can keep a family together. However, two parents who want to stay in the same house for their children’s sake might benefit from swinging. It gives the parents a chance to have separate sex lives away from the household. Then, at the end of the day, they go back to the same house and raise their kids together like a normal family. This prevents the family unit from splitting up and having to divide visitation time between two parents.
- E) Impotency
Let’s face it, there comes a time in a man’s life when he won’t be able to get an erection as frequently as he used to. Eventually, they won’t be able to get one at all. Where does this leave his partner? Whether the partner is a man or woman, they are going to still want sex. How else will they get this sex if they’re forced to maintain a monogamous relationship with a partner who is unable to sexually satisfy them? The only solution to this is a swinging lifestyle where they can get this sex. That way, they won’t have to split from the partner they love just because of their sexual impotence.