Calm and collected tips for threesome dating
1. Tips such as meeting in a public place first. To get comfortable.
2. Bring an std free test for first-time encounters
3. Doesn’t have to be a porn.. just fun. Maintaining positive energy. And respectful interest amongst married couple goes a long way.
1) Communication is the most important thing you can do the night of the threesome. Ensuring each party is comfortable and on the same page. Increase the communication and increase the Learning and exploring that takes place
2)Find someone who is looking for the same thing as you are. A lot of people have difficulty expressing what they are looking for or what they want due to lack of knowledge and vocabulary. It’s always best to clearly state and asks the other party what is being sought after at the very beginning.
3)If you are a couple, ensure you are on the same page. The easiest way to do so is communication and developing rules that you both agree with. Then stick to them.
4)Be open-minded and go slow. Some think they can handle watching their partner with another person, but when it comes down to it they can’t. Ensure the pace is comfortable for each member, as some will back out or want to stop
Dating tips for the adventurous couple
1. Keep an open mind – don’t just dismiss a profile at first glance, read what they have to say and match to find out more. They might end up being perfect for you.
2. If you’re a couple, post pictures of you together. You’re much more likely to seem trustworthy and get matched.
3. Make sure you’re profile says something about you. It doesn’t have to be an essay, but try to make it more than one line. Make sure it provides something interesting but also doesn’t give too much away.
2. Make sure your profile is well configured: age, high-quality photos of both partners, say something about you. It helps to find the partners
3. Be ready for the first meet at a cup of coffee. It’s hard to “feel” people without personal perception.
4. Have safe sex only. Always.
5. Have fun!
1. Don’t be pushy for sex, 3somes have to have an organic feel to them.
2. Discuss ground rules beforehand know what your partners are comfortable with, ie kissing: tongue or tongue? Light pecks or deep passion? When jumping into someone else’s relationship it’s good to know the road ahead.
3. Be inclusive try to make sure everyone gets a slice of the pie.
4. Go with the flow.
5. Know what you doing, exercise the areas you will be using, practice.. if you can’t satisfy one partner why would you want to piss off two?
I suppose the easiest tip is cool, be casual, be yourself!
Don’t lie!
About anything!
It’s a waste of time.
This includes pictures on this and any other dating site for that matter. Use current photos… it’s really important to represent yourself truthfully especially in a class of dating where it’s pretty imperative that you be trustworthy.
We have had the experience where we can across a profile (with a different app) where it was two guys that were putting themselves out there to couples to meet up and have fun. The picture was of an early 30’s hardbody guy and we were like “fu€k yeah! Let’s meet up!”
When we got together it turned out to be a guy in his early 50’s wearing track pants and a baseball cap and hoodie.
How disappointing was that! And we wasted our weekend that we could have planned fun times with some real people!
Don’t be that guy! (Pretty sure his name was Richard!)
Don’t be pushy. It comes across as desperate. It’s a turn-off. Just relax. You are an amazing interesting person. We want to get to know you before we get naked with you. You have to have some personality. Some spark. And moreover you have to be respectful. We are letting you into our lives. SHE is letting you into our lives because after all it’s her that has the yay or nay in all of this other than the few rare instances where there is a Dom sub relationship going on and even then I would suspect she really does have the final say.
First impressions are always important. …
Make date plans for somewhere you’ll feel comfortable. …
Be confident. …
Don’t do all the talking. …
Keep the conversation fun. …
Avoid the ‘ex’ conversation. …
Turn off your phone. …
Share the bill.
Tip 1.) Always go out and meet in a public place as a group together to sit and talk and get to know one another. Just because you think someone is cute, or seem to connect well through an app or text message doesn’t mean you will hit it off in person. Just because you are meeting this person for the possibility of sex doesn’t mean you can skip the part where some chemistry and intimacy is created, by TALKING AND listening and getting to know the person(s)
2.) Establish things that are off limits to you or your partner. Be clear and specific about things you are not willing to do, upfront. Don’t feel bad about them, and don’t be pressured to change your mind after you set your ground rules.
3.) Don’t be a shitty person who tries to talk someone into doing something after they tell you they don’t do that. It’s a good way to get blackballed from the cool kids club.
4.) If you’re straight and someone else is bi or gay, RESPECT THEM and be nice, don’t talk about how “gross” or nasty, wrong, etc their lifestyle is. Who are you to judge them?
5.) Be willing to push yourself and experience new sensations without JEALOUSY!
6.) If you are possessive or afraid of your partner leaving you for another person, don’t even bother with threesomes or group sex because it will just make you suspicious and upset and make your partner miserable and then you’ll be alone.
2. Always bring something when meeting a couple. Wine or a gift etc….
3. Always be respectful
4. Always bring protection
5. Preferably meet in a public place for the first time build a connection.
6. Never share personal information
7. Have fun
2. Be respectful. Swingers are normal decent people who just like to have extra fun
3. Photographs should not be more than 12 months old nor should photographs be edited or enhanced
4. Be patient for a reply from anyone who you have contacted. People lead busy lives these days
5. Don’t arrange to meet anyone unless you intend to do so. It’s not fair to waste other people’s time
6. Always arrange to meet for the first time in a public place
7. Personal hygiene is a must.. nothing worse than meeting unclean people
8. Always be polite and respectful.. pushy people are a turn off
1. Be yourself. From a male perspective, women will ALWAYS have better intuition than us. So if a guy is full of bs, she/they will know.
2. Be honest. Again, the intuition thing and living in a digital age, ppl will usually dig out the truth.
3. Be confident. Women naturally love a man who is on the right side of confidence and not cockiness. Own your strengths and use them to your advantage to fulfill their fantasies.
4. Before the 3way, make sure ur partner n you know the boundaries/limits you set so that the third/fourth person doesn’t cross them too.
5. Don’t drink too much or become incapacitated by drugs. It will lead to erectile problems or lack of lady lubrication. More than anything, you might get into problems by way of overdoing it, legal issues, consent.
6. Have fun. Life’s too short for monogamy, enjoy each other and above all, yourself!
Things can get uncomfortable fast. A solid foundation in your relationship is a must. Take the time and be clear on why you’re doing this and get on the same page with your partner. And remember, there’s no going back after you witness your partner with someone else, which often is found to be difficult for many.
Talk about it.
Before evening looking, be crystal clear about why you want to have a threesome with your partner.
Answering the following really help!
Do you both share the same fantasy and feel safe exploring together?
Are you equally comfortable with trying something new? Or are you just trying to please the other
Is this an attempt to rescue a rocky or drowning relationship?
If you are just doing it for your partner, to add the romance back to a relationship, or to save a failing relationship then STOP THERE. Chances are a threesome will just cause things to worsen and/or the relationship to end. If those are your reasons then explore other options. When done for those reasons it typically causes drama for everyone involved.