Sex is a beautiful thing, but only if you try experimenting with some of your Sexual Fantasies. To some, just having sex is not enough, in as much as they dream, fantasize about some rather bizarre sexual performances they can only pretend it is not important, but inwardly they find it hard identifying what they want or how to go about it. Most of these individuals have at one time fantasized about having sex in the beach, having a quick in the public bathroom, even going off the traditional bedroom method of having a bleep in the strangest part of the house. One of the uniqueness of sexual fantasies is that it pushes an individual a bit off the boundary allowing them to experience the other side of sexual ecstasy. According to Lan Kerner Ph.D., a sexual health expert made it clear that majority of men have the desire to have what he called “Core Thematic Fantasies”, a situation where the men explore sexual fantasies according to their mood.
So below, we have a lied down sexual fantasies anybody can experiment on in other to have a fulfilled sexual experience.
- Having your Part Take Charge
This mostly works for the men, once awhile they like their partners to take control of the show (while having sex). According to Laura Berman Ph.D., a sex expert, according to her, it can really be awesome being pursued. This means that in this case, the men are the ones playing hard-to-get, most of the times it requires the woman being at the top. This kind of sexual fantasy can go a long way to boost the man’s ego.
- Color Fantasy
This kind of sexual fantasy seem a bit odd, but scientifically it has been said that looking at blue surfaces while having sex triggers your sexual ego leaving you fulfilled at the end of the process. This is peculiar to the woman, there are those who are easily triggered by color red they always fantasies about either having sex on a red bed sheet, get laid with a red condom, or even as a red pillowcase. It’s not just the red color, it could be any color at all.
- Object Fantasies
Just like the color fantasy, this has to do with people being aroused by objects like cars, bicycles, helicopters, e.t.c. This is not just machines but the objects used in manufacturing these machines e.g. the shiny rods, the cozy sittings e.t.c. As weird as it may sound these things even have names; Mechanophilia. So, it’s ok to also get laid in any of these objects or machines.
- Sexual Fantasies for Groups
This doesn’t necessarily mean having twosome or threesome as the case may be, it has more to do with either dancing in public, flirting, having being noticed, kissing in public, e.t.c. To some people, making spectators part of their sexual experience is a wonderful experience. So if you prefer to have sex in the presence of groups then know that your sexual fantasy belongs to this group.
- Dominion Fantasy
For some women acting like the naughty schoolgirl is the new cool, just like a professor punishing the student; a savant-master scenario. Some ladies easily get aroused by making them feel oppressed, their fantasies come from sheer submission. So if you fall into this category, always find a way to make your partner understand, that way he can either tie you up, spank you on the butt or thrust you to the wall.
- Taboo Sexual Fantasy
There are some people whose sexual fantasy lays in doing the wrong thing. To these kinds of people doing silly things like having a quick one in the public toilet, in traffic, e.t.c they try as hard to violet any standing rules. Also, this kind of people will prefer having sex with a man dressed in female clothing, or visa-visa.
- God Fantasies
This kind of sexual fantasy arouses from being sexually attracted to the person you respect so much, worship, admire or fear. This is why most religious ladies find themselves being sexually attracted to their spiritual or religious fathers. This kind of fantasy usually arises when they have thoughts of such people which instantly puts them in the position of sexual ecstasy. Henry Miller explains such people better; according to him, he described them as those who make you believe that there is something more irrelevant than yourself. Though this looks a bit like the people whose fantasy comes through submission, unlike it, this has more to do with religion and spirituality.
- Smart Fantasy
This kind of fantasy happens when you have that feel for smart people. The sheer understanding that they know so much makes you want to go down with the individual, this kind of people are, mostly called Sapiosexual.
- Anal Fantasy
There are those that easily get triggered by just the mere thought of having anal penetration. This not because they do not enjoy the virginal method but they easily aroused just by fantasizing of this. Before you engage in this make sure you research about it to have full knowledge of this process.
- Voyeurism Fantasy
There are some whose sexual fantasies lies in just watching others engage in sexual activities. This could be either having to watch people masturbate to orgasm, or watching them engage in sexual “Flagrate Delicto”. Though in modern sexual fantasies, most men experience their Voyeurism by watching porn.
- Acting out Fantasies
Some people just love it more when they undress, have foreplays or had sex according to a specific movie role. They prefer playing an already written script where some actors or actress used a particular method to either undress or have sex with his partner.
There are more sexual fantasies and kinks, even the ones that are yet to be noticed, according to Bulevur Games, there are some who fantasize by playing their favorite video games. The ones we listed above are just the most popular ones that are experienced in everyday basis. But whichever category you fall in, it is left for you to explore it in fullness in other to give your sex lif