Threesomes are becoming much more common, especially among sexually active singles in their twenties and thirties. Threesomes offer excitement, variety, and intrigue. More singles and couples are pursuing threesomes, initially for the experience or to try it out, to liven up their sex life, or as a part of their ongoing sex life. If you have not experimented with a three-way, there are some things to seriously consider before jumping into a threesome.
Anyone or couple who is thinking about has their first threesome needs to think about the following topics and feel comfortable in their current relationship and own desires to make their first threesome experience the best it can be or to reconsider pursuing at threesome.
- Do you really want it?
Many people might think they are interested in a three-way, but in their heart may not be ready. Some feel pressured by their partner, others may not be fully ready. Make sure that you really want to experience a three-way before going any further.
- Assess the strength of your relationship
For the couple’s pursuing their first three-way, they should first answer the question above for themselves as individuals, and if both say yes, then honestly discuss whether as a couple their relationship can handle a threesome. If one of you is doing this for the other and is not fully committed, then the three-way can damage their relationship.
- Who do you want to approach?
For a couple, do you want to include a man or a woman in your three-way? For a single, are you looking for two men, two women, or a man and a woman? Do you want to pursue your first three-way with a stranger or a friend? Knowing what your wants and desires are, and following them, can create an amazing first experience.
- What are your sexual boundaries?
Every member of a three-way should know what their sexual boundaries are and express them to the other members. Every member should respect and honor those boundaries before, during and after the three-way.
- What is your plan for STD safety?
Prior to any sexual activity, all parties should discuss and agree upon a safe and secure approach to prevent the spread of any STDs. Condoms should always be worn, but who will bring them to the party and who will use them? Get agreement on this upfront to prevent any misunderstanding.
- How does the third person fit into the relationship?
For any couple considering a three-way, they need to consider, discuss and agree on how their third partner fits into their relationship. Is this a one-time event with no further interaction? Do you expect to continue seeing this person? Are they a friend now? Do you want them to be a friend in the future? Agree on this upfront with your partner and talk about it again after the three-way is done
With these common-sense things to consider, enjoying a threesome can be fun and exciting for everyone involved. Communication and a common understanding among all parties will make the experience even more fulfilling.
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